Step 1
- Tells you the type of HTML you are using.
- A hyperlink is a link that you can click to go to another webpage.
- Because they typically make files that a Web Browser cannot read.
Step 2
- A CSS rule which tells the browser which part of the document is affected by the rule.
- Text color:"color"; Background color:"background-color"
- You change the color to yellow.
Step 3
- The H1 tag.
- If one font is not available on someone's computer, then it displays alternate fonts.
Step 4
- It is used to move the menu.
- The increase in text size.
- The li tag.
Step 5
- When you hover over the links, it changes the color to gray.
- It takes away the underline from it.
- They distinguish the :link and :visited tags from class attributes that appear in the HTML directly.
Step 6
Step 7
- So that you can easily add it to your other pages without copy and paste and you only need one line.
- link rel="stylesheet href="newstyle.css"
Made 10 February 2011
by Jason Hall.